Thursday, June 22, 2023

Durham Reveals How FBI Fabricated Evidence To Obtain FISA Warrants

"During his testimony before the House Judiciary committee on
Wednesday, Special Counsel confirmed under oath that not only was there no adequate basis to launch the
Crossfire Hurricane investigation, but that the the FBI failed to examine all of the exculpatory evidence to their disposal.
This fascinating line of questioning from Rep Cline confirms all of the shocking details from Durham’s troubling report. At one point in the testimony, Cline asks Durham to expand on how FBI agents fabricated evidence when submitting the FISA report. Read the exchange below:
CLINE: Mr. Durham, your report is not just sobering, as you stated, it’s outrageous and deeply troubling. Can you confirm these several main points that it found? The FBI did not have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Hurricane, correct?
DURHAM:That’s correct.”
CLINE:The FBI failed to examine all available exculpatory evidence, correct?”
CLINE:The FBI did not interview key witnesses in Crossfire Hurricane, correct?
CLINE:And individuals within the FBI abused their authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, correct?”
DURHAM: Correct.”
CLINE: Is it true that an FBI employee fabricated this evidence? Can you expand on that fabrication and the reliance to support that FISA application?”
DURHAM: In connection with one of the agents who had come on board wanted to be certain that there was information that, was there information as to whether or not Carter Page had been a source of information to the CIA, and pressed Kevin Clinesmith, in the General Counsel’s Office of the FBI, on that point. 
Clinesmith got a hold of people at another government agency, intelligence agency on the issue, and that person indicated, not indicated, said that yes, in the FBI parlance, Carter Page was the source, and put that in writing. When Clinesmith talked to the agent who was saying, we want to be sure on this, was he or was he not a source, Clinesmith said, no, he said he’s not. He said, did we get that in writing? Clinesmith said yes, and they said, well, I want to see it. And then Clinesmith altered the other government agency document to reflect this, to say that Page was not a source, when he in fact was a source. That’s the gist of it. 

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